NORTHEAST Christian AcadempKindergarten to Grade 12 Tuition Rates
Number of Children EnrolledFull Year TuitionPay Over 10 Months (Sept-June)Pay Over 12 Months (Sept-Aug)
1 in Kindergarten$1800$180$150
1 in Grade K-12$2500$250$208.50
2 in Grade K-12$4200$420$350
3 in Grade K-12$5500$550$460
4 in Grade K-12$5900$590$492
*If you enroll more than 4 children, add $400/year for each additional child.
*For all other tuition calculations, please contact the NCA office, or Pastor Paul Dubois.
*Extracurricular fees will be requested as needed.

NORTHEAST Christian AcadempPreschool Tuition Rates
Payment in FullPay in 2 Installments (Sept and Jan)Pay Over 10 Months (Sept to June)
Per Child$700$350 x 2$70 x 10